Projekt etwinning: TWIN DISHES

Od kwietnia do czerwca 2018 r.wspólnie z  XXIV Liceum Ogólnokształcącym im. Cypriana K. Norwida w Warszawie oraz z Secondary school (business academy) in the north of Slovakia realizujemy projekt etwinning: TWIN DISHES. Podczas projektu uczniowie poznają siebie nawzajem i rozwiną swoje umiejętności komunikacyjne w języku angielskim. Wykonywane przez nich zadania będą dotyczyły tradycyjnych/ulubionych potraw oraz zwyczajów związanych z jedzeniem w Polsce/na Słowacji/w różnych krajach świata.

Opis projektu:

Introduce the topic to students. Introductory stage – students will introduce themselves to their counterparts. They will exchange questions to get a better and more complete picture of their friends. They will upload their photos in Twinspace (in Padlet or prepare one PowerPoint presentation).

Students will inquiry about the traditional or favourite dish of their friends trying to amount all essential information needed for its preparations (ingredients, amounts, instructions). They might also ask about the eating habits and family occasions for which the dish is best suited. They will prepare a dish using everything they needed to know to prepare it and make an instructive video.

Finally, students will taste it and comment on it. They will upload the video in Twinspace and exchange some feedback it. They will upload all the comments in Twinspace and make a final discussion about the gastronomy or local food.

Osoby prowadzące: Monika Suska-Zięcina, Inga Chrościcka-Woźniak

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