Projekt eTwinning: De-stress-how do you do that

Wspólnie z XXIV LO im.C. K. Norwida oraz ze szkołami w Turcji rozpoczynamy kolejny projekt eTwinning. Celem naszych działań jest rozwijanie umiejętności komunikacyjnych uczniów, zwiększenie wiedzy o stresie i świadomości własnych zachowań,uczenie pozytywnych sposobów radzenia sobie z emocjami. Zapraszamy do współpracy!

Martyna Paśnik, Monika Suska-Zięcina

This project is about a common social issue- stress. We will define stress, its positive and negative aspects and research how students from different countries cope with it. First, our students will prepare presentations about stress and create a test- checking knowledge in connection to the presentation. They will use different methods and tools. Next, we will research how our students cope with stress. We’ll prepare a questionnaire about coping with stress and give this questionnaire to all students at school. Then the students will compare the results of the questionnaires in different countries. Finally, our students will think about positive and negative methods of coping with stress and share their ideas by using ICT tools.

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